HAPPY BIRTH DAY! NBA legend LeBron James congratulates Bronny on his birthday with a video tribute

On Friday, LeBron James’s son Bronny became the legal age to begin his first year at the University of Southern California (USC). It should come as no surprise that the King spoke with his firstborn child via Instagram.

The sight of it thrills you. During the summer, Bronny was involved in a terrifying incident when he experienced cardiac arrest during a Trojans practice. The youngster shows encouraging signs of improvement and may return to action this season. During this week’s Media Day, LeBron gave an upbeat report on his son’s health:

He is working hard in rehab to rejoin his USC Trojans colleagues on the court this season. His operation went quite well. His fortunes are looking up.

After everything he’s been through, LeBron James says he’s going to dedicate the 2023–24 NBA season to his child. The 2022–23 Lakers nearly won the NBA championship before being eliminated by Nikola Jokic and the Denver Nuggets in the Western Conference Finals.

The extent to which Bronny participates in the upcoming college season will determine whether or not he is selected in the 2024 NBA Draft despite his health concerns. He is projected to be picked late in the first round in most drafts.

LeBron has made it clear that he wants to play alongside Bronny in the NBA before Bronny retires, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. That includes making roster swaps if necessary.

Seeing a dad and his kid play basketball together would be something out of the ordinary.

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